What does every bride want? The seasons are turning, and every day is a new page and a new book of life. October brings Halloween, candy, and crazy parties galore. Each bag of Halloween candy has how many calories? Hmmm? Your goal is to fit beautifully into your wedding dress in February. That candy sits by the door that’s for the kids, yet somehow finds its way back into your house. Before you know it, you’re indulging in one piece, two pieces, or maybe more because it happens to be on hand. A great Halloween solution is to have a two-week rule. Yes, that’s right—a two-week rule. So if you have a little Snickers bite, no more Snickers for two weeks. I’m not saying never. I’m just saying for two weeks.
You can have something else. A jelly bean or a twizzler licrorice, but no more Snickers snacks for two weeks. So today, you have gummy bears. Great! Now, no more gummy bears for two weeks. Your body will give up the craving for chocolate, nuts, candy apples, or any snack and automatically start making healthier choices. To dissolve the fat, head over to our Hourglass Bride 90-day fit into the dress program and learn how to use the six miracle solutions. Lecithin, B-6, B-12, apple cider vinegar, and kelp to burn fat away. Make sure you’re drinking plenty of water. Half your body weight in ounces every day. We often mistake thirst for hunger. Water is a cure-all for bloating, clear skin, weight loss, hydration, joint elasticity, and healthier living. Even baths enhance our health, figure, energy levels, and radiant glow. Okay? So we made it through Halloween. Great Job!
Holiday Feasts
The first two weeks of November sail by, and BAM, Thanksgiving happens. Here’s where our bridal best comes out. By all means, be grateful. After all, you are in love, and you’re getting married. There is so much to be grateful for, but here’s where you need your super strength, compassion, kindness, heart, sincerity, and love. It is here that food pushers appear. “I made this for you. I spent hours baking or making.” Guilt like a tidal wave washes over you. No, No, NO! You’re getting married in February, May, or June, but soon! Food pushing from other people does not work. There you get to smile—your best Miss America smile. Tilt your head, be polite, and say, “I don’t eat that anymore. Thank you, though. It looks delicious. I’m sure it’s wonderful. Enjoy it for me. I’m happy with my X-Y-Z.” You choose you! Not bread pudding, several slices of pie, biscuits, or mashed potatoes. Choose you. If you do want to try something, try it! Try means a forkful, a sliver, or a taste. Mmmm, Good! Delicious! Perfect! Now move on. Nothing tastes better than how a healthy body feels. Choose you every time. Enjoy the vegetables. Turkey is great! Choose to enjoy the holiday by seeing the love around you. Roll that love into a walkway and a parade towards your dream day and your dream life. Gratitude, love, choices, and happiness.
Okay, Thanksgiving is over. Big nap! The dishes are put away, and it’s time for the magic of Christmas. That magic of Christmas, not the indulgence of Christmas. For party hints, watch our Hour Glass Bonus Holiday Videos. Use your plate like a clock. Learn 12 o’clock and 1 o’clock. So on and so forth, and design your plate for the body and the life of your dreams. Choose your drinks wisely. Pick smart choices. What’s better than tonic or eggnog? Learn how many calories are hidden in tonic water and craft your drinks with soda or water. Choose wine, gin, or vodka. Park on the outskirts of the lot at the mall and walk to your car, carrying your shopping bags like hand weights. Use the ladder to climb up and down as you decorate your tree. Go ice skating, sledding, make snow angels, or dance till your hearts delight. Enjoy the holidays with smart choices, and your Santa wishes and dreams really will come true.
Stay Active During the Holidays
New Years brings champagne and fun. Enjoy the moment. Follow your heart and your path, and you’ll be just fine. Cake tasting along the way. Every day you choose to sample, again sample not eat a piece of cake, sugar, or more. Make sure you exercise and burn fat. Oxygenate. Do exercises where your body parts are higher than the heart. Swim, dance, play tennis, volleyball, jump rope, basketball, and pilates. Allow your energy to flow. Meditate. Release stress. Call friends. Hang out with family and loved ones. Create a vision board. Set a fitness goal, and you will indeed fit into that dress and have the body and life of your dreams. If your wedding is in March, April, May, June, or July, wonderful! You’re ahead of the game.
Join our Hourglass Bride family and learn from our celebrities and experts the tips, tools, secrets, blueprints, and path to leading your ultimate dream life. Enjoy, engage, experience, and create your dream body and dream life. I know each and every wish and dream will indeed come true.